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We're not building a metaverse, we're helping onboard businesses into the metaverse. We're interested in working with all the major metaverses, past and present, to create opportunities for businesses to market themselves in web3


We're creating access to courses on business, finance, taxes, web3, community building AND MORE that you can access by owning a Misfit token OR purchasing via credit card for web2 degens. We're paying sought-after presenters to come in and provide consistent value to our token holders


We're developing scholarship opportunities to young creators and developers in various tech and marketing industries to give back to the young minds that inspire and innovate every day


We're not just onboarding and training new users on staying safe in web3, we're providing moderator and project admin training with soulbound NFT diplomas and helping to match them with projects in need of these services


We have a goal of developing relationships with services and software to provide discounts and opportunities for holders. From crypto tax preparation, discord security audits and consulting, marketing services and more


Additional support for businesses through quality online networking opportunities via streaming and the metaverse as well as online digital office space

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